Mail Your Dull Stuff to us!

Would you like to mail your knives and scissors* to us for sharpening from anywhere in the United States?

You can ship your knives and scissors to Cowboy Sharp

Just wrap those knives and scissors up securely so nothing pokes out of your box and ship those dull things to us. We’ll make them “Cowboy Sharp” – sharper than the day you purchased them. We’ll even get them back in the return mail to you within 48 hours.

Our sharpening prices are located on our Pricing Page. Shipping both ways is not included in the sharpening price. See below for Return Shipping costs.

Return Shipping

We return ship via USPS Priority Mail so that you have tracking info. Cost for return shipping will be quoted to you after we receive your items. If you use USPS Priority Mail to ship to us, the return shipping costs will be the same as your initial shipment.

You’ll be able to pay using PayPal or Venmo after we send your total. We’ll send you an email with your order total as soon as we receive your package.

Here’s how to get the ball rolling…

Cowboy Sharp
20408 Applewood RD
North Fort Myers, FL 33917

Be sure to message us or use the form below when your items are on the way to us. You can use this form if you just have questions too.

*Sorry, no beauty or salon shears – our shop is not set up to sharpen grooming tools.

Still got questions?